Format for proposals responding to RFP

All proposals are to be submitted as a single document in PDF format. Proposals should include five sections: text, budget, literature cited, biographies of co-investigators, and permits & policies. The details of each section are given below. Reports, publications or images needed to understand the text section must be submitted as a separate document. Documents intended to show general professional competence will not be used.

  1. Text. This section must be limited to fewer than 20 text pages. It should include:
    1. Title page with the project’s title, name of all authors, and email address for the contact person
    2. Table of contents
    3. An introductory section, including:
      1. Proposal abstract of 750 words or less
      2. Statement of objectives or questions to be addressed (one paragraph)
      3. Hypotheses to be tested (maximum one page)
      4. Summary of Methods and Approach (one paragraph)
      5. Statement of the scientific significance of the project (one paragraph)
    4. The body of the proposal (10 pages maximum) including:
      1. The project concept or idea
      2. Background to the problem
      3. The technical approach, including any constraints
      4. Work plan including time table and milestones (submit bar chart for complex studies)
      5. Availability of unique facilities
      6. List all papers, reports, talks, posters, databases, software, etc. that will be produced (see Policy on Review, Publication, and Intellectual Properties). Indicate the timetable to delivery relative to the end date of the contract.
    5. Budget
      1. Budget information for the project including:
        1. Salaries
        2. Supplies and Material
        3. Capital Equipment
        4. Travel, including an annual JIP review meeting
        5. Indirect Costs, overhead, or fringe benefits
        6. Totals (annual and cumulative)
        7. A statement of costs related to the time table of deliverables in the text
        8. Proposed Schedule of Invoices
        9. Other current or pending support
      2. Biographies of all co-investigators(not more than one page each)

All proposals should be sent electronically to Harvey Johnstone, Environment Director, at